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unseaworthy Meaning in Tamil ( unseaworthy வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

கடல் தகுதியற்ற

unseaworthy's Usage Examples:

In 1688 Davis cleared Cape Horn and arrived in the West Indies, while Swan's ship, the "Cygnet," was abandoned as unseaworthy, after sailing as far as Madagascar.

After two trials the "Speedwell" was pronounced unseaworthy, and the "Mayflower" sailed alone from Plymouth, England, on the 6th of September with the zoo (or 102) passengers, some 41 of whom on the lzth of November (o.

On the seashore fishing naturally became a means of livelihood, and dwellers by the sea, in virtue of the dangers to which they are exposed from storm and unseaworthy craft, are stimulated to a higher degree of foresight, quicker observation, prompter decision and more energetic action in emergencies than those who live inland.


leaky, seaworthiness, fitness,


tight, seaworthy, impermeable, uncommunicative,

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