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unseat Meaning in Tamil ( unseat வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இடத்திலிருந்து நீக்க, அகற்று,

unseat தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பேடுகளை அல்லது சேவலை இடத்திலிருந்து நீக்குதல் தற்காலிகமாக கூட்டத்தில் சமூக ஒழுங்கில் குழப்பத்தை ஏற்படுத்திவிடும்.

அவரது மார்பில் ஒரு குறியீடு பொறிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது— அது "இல்லுமினாட்டி" என்ற சொல்லின் இருதலைகீழ்படைப்பு என்பதை அவர் உணர்ந்துகொள்கிறார்- மேலும் அவரது கண் அதன் இடத்திலிருந்து நீக்கப்பட்டுள்ளதை காண்கிறார்.

unseat's Usage Examples:

allye trip is being perceived here primarily as an attempt to persuade reluctant Arab allies to support a US-led drive to unseat Saddam Hussein.

When parliament was dissolved at the end of the session of 1784, the country showed its sentiments by unseating 180 of the followers of Fox and North.

unseat Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is still a pipe dream.

He first made himself a name as a soldier at the tournament held at Rennes in 1338 to celebrate the marriage of Charles of Blois with Jeanne de Penthievre, at which he unseated the most famous competitors.

He was unseated, and afterwards returned for Malton, a borough in the interest of Lord Fitzwilliam.

The Earl dropped his hands, and let his team shoot, nearly unseating Miss Fairfax.

He was defeated, but his successful competitor was unseated on petition, and at the second contest Bright was returned.

It takes a lot to unseat a market leader in any industry.

In the last struggles of the Seleucid house, Antioch turned definitely against its feeble rulers, invited Tigranes of Armenia to occupy the city in 83, tried to unseat Antiochus XIII.

The whole history of the country is in fact one gloomy record of internecine wars, barbaric deeds and unstable governments, of adventurers usurping thrones, only to be themselves unseated, and of raids, rapine and pillage.

If a candidate is unseated a casual vacancy is created which has to be filled by a new election.

In 1835 he was unseated on petition, an' after standing unsuccessfully for Oldham he took to stumping England in favour of the new Radical doctrines of the day, and the use of physical force for their adoption.




ascend, recede, rise,

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