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torrents Meaning in Tamil ( torrents வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வேகமான நீரோட்டம்,

torrents தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


torrents's Usage Examples:

Local thunderstorms and cloud-bursts are a characteristic phenomenon, inundating limited areas and transforming dried-up streams into muddy torrents carrying boulders and debris.

It's up the gulch, you say?Many streams that are turned in spring or by summer cloud-bursts into torrents are normally mere water films or dry gulches.

Bondu is traversed by torrents, which flow rapidly during the rains but are empty in the dry season, such streams being known in this part of West Africa as marigots.

A great part of the country, however, is still compelled to use the most primitive means of communication-mule paths, fords in the smaller streams in the dry season, and rude suspension bridges across deep gorges and swift mountain torrents.

Increased by the perennial waters of these numerous torrents the Senku makes its way S.

The basin of the Tarim contains, indeed, numerous other streams, most of them summer torrents seaming the flanks of the encircling mountains, but once no doubt affluents of the Tarim, though now all swallowed up in the desert soon after quitting the shelter of the mountains.

After downloading these music batch files -- "torrents" typically contain entire albums, discographies, or collections -- you can either burn the music on a CD or upload it to your favorite portable MP3 player (like the iPod nano).

Lake Baikal receives over 300 streams, mostly short mountain torrents, besides the Upper Angara, which enters its north-east extremity, the Barguzin, on the east, and the Selenga on the south-east.

Their sides are seamed with torrents which tear down the solid rock and sweep its detritus into the glens and sea lochs.

The latter class is formed by waters that fall on the barren mountain-sides and rush down in torrents, forming in the valleys shallow bodies of water yellow with the mud held in suspension.

The department is intersected by torrents belonging to the Garonne basin - the Salat, the Arize, which, near Mas d'Azil, flows through a subterranean gallery, the Ariege and the Hers.

Springs also rise in the district, and the problem is further complicated by the flood-water and solid matter brought down by the mountain torrents, which choke up the channels made.


soaker, pelter, downpour, waterspout, deluge, rainfall, cloudburst, rain,


good fortune, good luck, take, refrain, disorganise,

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