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torsion Meaning in Tamil ( torsion வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


முறுக்குதல், திருகுதல்,

torsion தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இத்தகைய அடைப்பிதழ்கள், சீராக்கம் , முறுக்குதல் , அளவிடல் அல்லது ஊசி அடைப்பிதழ்கள் எனப் பல பெயர்களால் அழைக்கப்படுகின்றன.

முறுக்குதல் - சுழற்றுதல், திரித்தல்.

இது முறுக்குதல் நிகழ்வு (throttling process) என அழைக்கப்படும்.

torsion's Usage Examples:

This memoir contained a description of different forms of his torsion balance, an instrument used by him with great success for the experimental investigation of the distribution of electricity on surfaces and of the laws of electrical and magnetic action, of the mathematical theory of which he may also be regarded as the founder.

The facts, however, strongly suggest that the original cause of the torsion was the weight of the exogastric shell and visceral hump, which in an animal creeping on its ventral surface necessarily fell over to one side.

This tendency can be resisted by giving a twist to the torsion head and so applying to the movable coil through the spring a restoring torque, which opposes the torque due to the dynamic action of the currents.

This movement is resisted by the torsional elasticity of the suspending wire, and hence a fixed indicating needle attached to the movable system can be made to indicate directly on a scale, the difference of potential between the terminals of the instrument in volts.

This involved changing from lever arm dampers with coil springs to telescopic dampers and torsion bars.

2 The instrument is of the d'Arsonval type; its coil turns in a strong uniform field, and is suspended in such a manner that torsion is practically negligible, the swings of the coil being limited by damping influences, chiefly electromagnetic.

Further, by suitably choosing the positions of the deflectors and the coefficient of torsion of the fibre, it is possible to make the temperature coefficient vanish.

The most important improvements in connexion with electrometers are due, however, to Lord Kelvin, who introduced the guard plate and used gravity or the torsion of a wire as a means for evaluating the electrical forces.

The Mangonel was an invaluable Medieval siege attack weapon, similar to a catapult which worked by using torsion or counterpoise.

The peculiarities of the Gastropoda are all due to the torsion of the shell and body.

The magnet consists of a hollow steel cylinder fitted with a scale and lens as described above, and is suspended by a long thread of unspun silk, which is attached at the upper end to the torsion head H.

- Four stages in the development of a Gastropod showing the process of body torsion.

In these circumstances the torsional angle becomes a measure of the torque and therefore of the product of the strengths of the currents in the two coils, that is to say, of the square of the strength of the current passing through the two coils if they are joined up in series.


torque, force, magnetic moment, moment of a magnet,


pull, civilian, simplicity, honesty, straightness,

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