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torrential Meaning in Tamil ( torrential வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


விசை நீரோட்டம் சார்ந்த,

torrential தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


torrential's Usage Examples:

It starts with sultry tropical rain, moves on to a babbling brook, energizes with a torrential thunderstorm, and closes out with calming ocean surf.

The Copper, the Susitna and its tributary, the Yentna, as well as the Skwentna, a tributary of the Yentna from the west, all run through picturesque canyons, and their upper courses are characterized by glacial and torrential feeders.

The Siwaliks are fluviatile and torrential deposits similar to those which are now being formed at the foot of the mountains, in the Indo-Gangetic plain; and their relations to the older rocks of the Himalaya proper were very similar to those which now exist between the deposits of the plain and the Siwaliks themselves.

Took the bus back to Helsinki and arrived in a torrential thunderstorm.

of the Elbfall, the latter stream unites with the steep torrential Weisswasser at Madelstegbaude, at an altitude of 2230 ft.

It is separated on the south from the island of Shikoku by the Naruto channel, through which, in certain conditions of the tide, a remarkable torrential current is set up.

A multitude of ravines and gullies, filled with torrential streams or dry, according to the season of the year, and characterized by many beautiful cascades, seam the narrow coastal plain and the flanks of the mountains.

They have also been regarded as the result of torrential action.

But the assembled hacks were faced with a torrential downpour as they attempted to leave the reception.

Ah, here they are--the mixed metaphors mocking and strutting about before me, pointing to the bull in the china shop assailed by hailstones and the bugbears with pale looks, an unanalyzed species!Storms of extreme violence, accompanied by torrential rain, and in rare instances by hailstones, are of not uncommon occurrence.

He descended this torrential stream to the river Romero, 1300 ft.

Finally on Mickle Fell I had a squall from hell with torrential rain and gale force winds.

Cold north-west winds prevail from October to March, while in July and August torrential rains fall, resulting in a sudden and very considerable rise in the Amur and its right-bank tributaries.




poor, scarce,

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