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senate Meaning in Tamil ( senate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மந்திராலோசனை சபை, மேல் சட்டசபை,

senate's Usage Examples:

The heads claimed the right of nominating two persons, one of whom was to be elected by the senate.

In the partition of the government of the provinces of the Roman empire between the senate and the emperor, Africa fell to the senate, and was henceforth administered by a proconsul.

His extreme impecuniosity made him from the first subservient to the Polish senate and nobles (szlachta), who deprived him of the control of the mint - then one of the most lucrative sources of revenue of the Polish kings - curtailed his prerogative, and generally endeavoured to reduce him to a subordinate position.

The system established by the law of 1864 is remarkable in that it set up two wholly separate orders of tribunals, each having their own courts of appeal and coming in contact only in the senate, as the supreme court of cassation.

Apotheosis after his death, being in the hands of the senate, did not at once cease, even when Christianity was officially adopted.

Its importance is vouched for by the many remains of antiquity which it possesses, of which the most famous is the triumphal arch erected in honour of Trajan by the senate and people of Rome in A.

The choice was left to the senate, who unanimously selected Valerian (afterwards emperor).

of arsenate of soda in water and mixing the two well together, and adding the whole to 16 gallons of soft water; to this is added a small quantity of coarse treacle.

To obtain the support of the capitalists, Gaius Gracchus conceived the plan of creating friction between them and the senate, which he carried out by handing over to them the control (a) of the jury-courts, and (b) of the revenues of Asia.

by the Venetian senate with the appointment for life to his professorship, at an unprecedentedly high salary.

Fillmore presided over the senate during the exciting debates on the " Compromise Measures of 1850.

No steps were taken to open the sealed packets, and he himself took the oath to Constantine, and, with characteristic contempt for constitutional forms, usurped the functions of the senate and council of state by himself ordering its imposition on the regiments stationed in St Petersburg.

The determination to limit still further the power of the executive was at the bottom of this fatal parsimony, with the inevitable consequence that, while the king and the senate were powerless, every great noble or lord-marcher was free to do what he chose in his own domains, so long as he flattered his "little brothers," the szlachta.


legislature, legislative assembly, general assembly, US Senate, law-makers, Senate, U.S. Senate, United States Senate, legislative body,



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