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senators Meaning in Tamil ( senators வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அதிகார சபை அங்கத்தினர்,

senators's Usage Examples:

The court was composed exclusively of senators, some of whom might have been his personal friends.

The only qualifications for senators and delegates are those required of an elector and residence in their districts; there are, however, a few disqualifications, such as holding certain offices in the state or a salaried Federal office.

The deputies are elected by direct suffrage for the legislative session of three years, and have the same immunities from legal process as the senators.

In 1861 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the United States senatorship from New York.

, at the head of a deputation of Romall senators, appeared in his camp on the banks of the Mincio, entreating him not to pursue his victorious career to the gates of Rome, he yielded to their entreaties and consented to cross the Alps, with a menace, however, of future return, should the wrongs of Honoria remain unredressed.

Togas were more for formal occasions and what the senators wore.

Having been recalled to Rome by Galba in 68, he at once impeached Eprius Marcellus, the accuser of Thrasea Paetus, but dropped the charge, as the condemnation of Marcellus would have involved a number of senators.

In the state election in June 1908 a Democrat received the highest popular vote for the senatorship, and as a majority of the legislature of 1909 had committed itself to vote for the people's choice, he was elected by that body, although five-sixths of its members were Republicans.

This adroit attempt to reconcile the principle of popular sovereignty with the Dred Scott decision, though it undoubtedly helped Douglas in the immediate fight for the senatorship, necessarily alienated his Southern supporters and assured his defeat, as Lincoln foresaw it must, in the presidential campaign of 1860.

The number of assemblymen cannot be less than 54 or more than ioo, and the number of senators must be not more than one-third or less than one-fourth the number of members of the Assembly.

Charles was forced to resigr the senatorship of Rome and the signoria of Lombardy and Tuscany.

); the narrow band of purple on the tunic as distinguished from the broad band worn by the senators.


legislator, state senator,



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