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senator Meaning in Tamil ( senator வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அதிகார சபை அங்கத்தினர்,

senator's Usage Examples:

The court was composed exclusively of senators, some of whom might have been his personal friends.

The institution embraces a college of liberal arts (1860), with a school of political and ' As lieutenant-governor, Newbold serves for the unexpired portion of the term to which Kirkwood was elected; Kirkwood resigned on the 1st of February 1877, having been chosen United States senator.

He thirsted for no senator's blood, and used severity against the delatores alone.

Clark aspired to be a United States senator, but by ridiculing Daly, provoked a powerful opposition.

The only qualifications for senators and delegates are those required of an elector and residence in their districts; there are, however, a few disqualifications, such as holding certain offices in the state or a salaried Federal office.

In June 1920, when the Giolitti Government was formed with the programme of a reconstitution of the Italian State and of radical reforms, Croce (who had been a senator of the Kingdom of Italy since 1920) was asked to accept the office of Minister of Public Instruction.

His father was Gordianus "the regionary," a wealthy man of senatorial rank, owner of large estates in Sicily and of a palace on the Caelian Hill in Rome; his mother was Silvia, who is commemorated as a saint on the 3rd of November.

The deputies are elected by direct suffrage for the legislative session of three years, and have the same immunities from legal process as the senators.

In 1861 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the United States senatorship from New York.

, at the head of a deputation of Romall senators, appeared in his camp on the banks of the Mincio, entreating him not to pursue his victorious career to the gates of Rome, he yielded to their entreaties and consented to cross the Alps, with a menace, however, of future return, should the wrongs of Honoria remain unredressed.

He was appointed inspector-general of higher education in 1876, and after his election as life senator in 1881 he continued to take an active interest in educational questions, especially as affected by compulsory military service.


legislator, state senator,



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