<< quadrate quadratic >>

quadrates Meaning in Tamil ( quadrates வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


quadrates's Usage Examples:

- The pterygoids are widely separated from the quadrates, not reaching beyond the level of the occipital condyle.

The quadrates slant obliquely forward and are attached directly to the proOtics, owing to the absence of squamosals.

The quadrates are directly attached to the skull, the squamosals being absent.

Pterygoids connected with the quadrates which are carried by the squamosals, and these are loosely attached to the skull.

)/nAuthorities - The two most ancient manuscripts of Lucretius, O and Q, are both at Leiden, one being a folio (oblongus) and the other a quarto (quadrates).




round, irresolute,

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