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quadratrix Meaning in Tamil ( quadratrix வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


quadratrix's Usage Examples:

Thus Nicomedes invented the conchoid; Diodes the cissoid; Dinostratus studied the quadratrix invented by Hippias; all these curves furnished solutions, as is also the case with the trisectrix, a special form of Pascal's limacon.

The orthogonal projection of a section of this surface by a plane containing one of the perpendiculars and inclined to the axis is the quadratrix.

Under the guidance and inspiration of this philosopher much attention was given to the geometry of solids, and it is probable that while investigating the cone, Menaechrnus, an associate of Plato, pupil of Eudoxus, and brother of Dinostratus (the inventor of the quadratrix), discovered and investigated the various curves made by truncating a cone.

, and known by the name rerpaywqouva, or quadratrix.

The quadratrix of Tschirnhausen is constructed by dividing the arc and radius of a quadrant in the same number of equal parts as before.

), trisected an angle with a mechanical curve, named the quadratrix.

Any plane section of the screw (plectoidal of Pappus) surface so obtained is the quadratrix.

The rest of the book treats of the trisection of an angle, and the solution of more general problems of the same kind by means of the quadratrix and spiral.

The locus of these intersections is the quadratrix.

The quadratrix of Dinostratus was well known to the ancient Greek geometers, and is mentioned by Proclus, who ascribes the invention of the curve to a contemporary of Socrates, probably Hippias of Elis.

Then the locus of the intersection of PQ and OM is the quadratrix of Dinostratus.

Its properties are similar to those of the quadratrix of Dinostratus.

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