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pyretic Meaning in Tamil ( pyretic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

காய்ச்சல் சார்ந்த

pyretic's Usage Examples:

According to Sir Thomas Fraser nothing else can compete with alcohol as a food in desperate febrile cases, and to this use must be added its antipyretic power already explained and its action as a soporific.

Drugs to lower fever (antipyretics) can be given if a person (particularly a child) is uncomfortable.

Parents may be directed to administer over-the-counter antipyretics at the first sign of fever.

Antipyretics may be suggested to lower a fever and make the child more comfortable but will not affect the course of an underlying infectious disease.

Amongst other antipyretics, the most important are quinine, phenacetin and antifebrin.

The acid and its salts are antipyretic and were used in Germany instead of salicylates in rheumatic fever.

Carbolic acid has an antipyretic action, but on account of its poisonous properties it cannot be employed as an antipyretic.

It has been used with success as an antiperiodic and antipyretic in ague, and also as a diuretic in gout and kidney affections.

The introduction of the clinical thermometer, which allows us to ascertain exactly the amount to which the temperature rises in fever or to which it is reduced by antipyretic measures, is to the physician like the compass to the sailor, and allows him to steer safely between two extremes.

Salicylic acid has a strong antipyretic action, and is most commonly used in the form of its sodium salt, which is much more soluble than the acid itself.

The benefits include carminative, antipyretic, diaphoretic and diuretic agents.

It follows that the drug is an antipyretic, and it is hence largely used in fevers as a means of reducing the temperature.

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