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pyridine Meaning in Tamil ( pyridine வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


pyridine's Usage Examples:

In the aromatic compounds there is no regularity between the increments due to the introduction of methyl groups into the benzene nucleus or side chains; the normal value of 20 0 -21° is exhibited, however, by pyridine and its derivatives.

Lastly, when d-galactonic acid is heated with pyridine, it is converted into talonic acid, which is reducible to talose, an isomeride bearing to galactose the same relation that mannose bears to glucose.

Herquet, Geschichte der Inset Norderney 1398 -1711 (1890); and the article FRISIAN ISLANDS,As regards the isomerism of the pyridine substitution products, three mono-derivatives are known, the different positions being indicated by the Greek, letters a, s and y, as shown in the inset formula.

It can only be diazotized in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid, and even then the free diazonium sulphate is not stable, readily passing in the presence of water to a-oxypyridine.

Ladenburg that the pyridinium alkyl iodides rearrange themselves when strongly heated and yield a and -y alkyl pyridines (Ber.

The ketoketenes are coloured compounds, which undergo autoxidation readily, form ketene bases on the addition of pyridine and quinoline, and yield addition compounds with substances containing the C:N and C:0 groupings.

Thus benzene, (CH) gives thiophene, (CH) S, from which it is difficultly distinguished; pyridine, (CH) N, gives thiazole, (CH) N S, which is a very similar substance; naphthalene gives thionaphthen, C 11 S, with which it shows great analogies, especially in the derivatives.

By passing the vapour of this compound through a red-hot tube, it yields the isomeric a0- pyridylpyrrol, the potassium salt of which with methyl iodide gives a substance methylated both in the pyridine and pyrrol nuclei.

The crystallized anthracene is then removed by a centrifugal separator and the process of solution in the pyridine bases is repeated.

of lavender or rosemary, in order to destroy the noxious odour of the pyridine bases.

Hofmann had shown that conine on distillation with zinc dust gave a-propyl pyridine (conyrine).

It gives rise to various decomposition products such as pyridine, picoline, 'c.

The amount of eugenol in oil of cloves can be estimated by acetylation, in presence of pyridine (A.


base, triphosphopyridine, alkali,


genuine, incidental, noble, outfield,

pyridine's Meaning in Other Sites