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provenance Meaning in Tamil ( provenance வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கலை (அ) இலக்கியப் படைப்பின் பிறப்பிடம், உண்மையைக் காட்டு,

provenance's Usage Examples:

Edmund Naumann was the discoverer of these facts, and his attention was first drawn to them by learning that an edible sea-weed, which flourishes only in salt water, is called Asakusanon, from the place (Asakusa) of its original provenance, which now lies some 3 m.

Sues where Hittite remains pave beer discovered are shown thus - Boghaz Keul 1 after a name implies doubt as to real provenance of the remalrts or their llittite character.

But the peculiar way in which it enforces its morals in terms of the Platonic contrast between the spiritual and sensuous worlds, as archetype and temporal manifestation, suggests a special local type of theology which must be taken into account in fixing its provenance.

The exact provenance of this object is not easily determinable.

The exact provenance of these cylinders is not known, but there is every reason to believe that they were found in Cyprus.

Beyond the fact that it was found at Nippur during the fourth of the American expeditions, there does not appear to be any exact record of its provenance; and, in order to determine its date, it is necessary to rely on the external and internal evidence furnished by the tablet itself.

At all events, extensive quotations from a Book of Enoch are found in the rabbinical literature of the middle ages, and the provenance of these has not yet been determined.

[The question of the provenance of K and B may best be studied in J.

Lot's "Etudes sur la provenance du cycle arthurien," Romania, vols.

This story may not be true (some contend that Sinope as the provenance of the statue originated in the hill of Sinopeion, i.

Whatever view be taken of the provenance of Codex Vaticanus it is plain that its archetype had the Pauline epistles in a peculiar order which is only found in Egypt, and so far no one has been able to discover any non-Alexandrian writer who used the Neutral text.

So far as the character, as distinguished from the provenance, of this subject-matter is concerned, it is largely of folk-lore origin, representing the working over of traditions, in some cases (as e.


provenience, rootage, cradle, origin, beginning, root, place of origin, source, birthplace,


deactivation, destabilize, destabilise, descendant, sink,

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