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proverbially Meaning in Tamil ( proverbially வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



proverbially தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


proverbially's Usage Examples:

Experts proverbially differ, and the casuists were no exceptions to the rule.

CHAPTER TEN POSTSCRIPTS are proverbially important, and apostolic postscripts are no exception to the rule.

He did not like to depend on statesmen's promises, which are proverbially uncertain of fulfilment; he as little liked to retrench; and he was wearied of parliament, where he had never given any but silent votes.

OPHIR, a region celebrated in antiquity for its gold, which was proverbially fine (Job xxii.

The tract in which Andkhui stands is fertile, but proverbially unhealthy; the Persians account it "a hell upon earth" by reason of its scorching sands, brackish water, flies and scorpions.

But the phrase "Campanian arrogance" seems to have been used proverbially for "gasconade"; and, as there was a plebeian gens Naevia in Rome, it is quite as probable that he was by birth a Roman citizen.

But, although the legend is first told in Alexandrian times, the "cry of Hylas" occurs long before as the "Mysian cry" in Aeschylus (Persae, 1054), and in Aristophanes (Plutus, 1127) "to cry Hylas" is used proverbially of seeking something in vain.

On the other hand the lack of good harbours hindered its maritime development; and the Boeotian nation, although it produced great men like Pindar, Epaminondas, Pelopidas and Plutarch, was proverbially as dull as its native air.

chapter ten POSTSCRIPTS are proverbially important, and apostolic postscripts are no exception to the rule.

But experts proverbially differ: what was to be done when they disagreed?Brewing is an industry of exceptional vigour, Edinburgh ale being proverbially good.

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