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priesthood Meaning in Tamil ( priesthood வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சமய குருமார் தொழில் (அ) அலுவல்,

priesthood's Usage Examples:

There is a close connexion between the laity and priesthood, as the Buddhist rule, which prescribes that every man should enter the priesthood for at least a few months, is almost universally observed, even young princes and noblemen who have been educated in Europe donning the yellow robe on their return to Siam.

It was to be a new priesthood and to be called by a new name (T.

The Mexican priesthood were much concerned with the art of picture-writing, which they used systematically as a means of recording religious festivals and legends, as well as keeping Picture- calendars of years and recording the historical events writing, which occurred in them.

TAMAS BAKOCZ, CARDINAL (1442-1521), Hungarian ecclesi astic and statesman, was the son of a wagoner, adopted by his uncle, who trained him for the priesthood and whom he succeeded as rector of Tetel (1480).

He speaks as a legislator, citing no authority; but he formulates, doubtless, the ideas and perhaps the practices of the Jerusalem priesthood.

Esther, moreover, ought to be parallel to Judith; fancy likening the representative of Israel to the goddess Ishtar !So Gregory of Narck upbraids the Thonraki for their "anthropolatrous apostasy, their selfconf erred contemptible priesthood which is a likening of themselves to Satan" ( Christ in Thonraki parlance).

GIACOMO ZANELLA (1820-1888), Italian poet, was born at Chiampo, near Vicenza, on the 9th of September 1820, and was educated for the priesthood.

The Armenian doctors also taught that John by laying hands on Jesus and ordaining him at his baptism sacramentally transferred to him the three graces or charismata of kingship, prophecy and priesthood which had belonged to ancient Israel.

"The Anglican priesthood being gone, the episcopate also lapses.

In August 1498, Cesare in the consistory asked for the permission of the cardinals and the pope to renounce the priesthood, and the latter granted it "for the good of his soul.

Forsaking the priesthood about 1864, he was employed as a diplomatist by the British government in Egypt, Asia Minor, the West Indies, and Bulgaria, being appointed resident minister in Uruguay in 1884; he died at Montevideo on the 30th of September 1888.


rabbinate, ministry, profession, clergy,


multitude, mass, temporalty, layman, laity,

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