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priestly Meaning in Tamil ( priestly வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


புரோகிதருக்குரிய, சமயக் குருவிற்குரிய,

priestly's Usage Examples:

The priesthood has three grades: (I) the Sh'kanda or deacon is generally chosen from episcopal or priestly families, and must be without bodily blemish.

There can be no reasonable doubt that the Levite here was member of a priestly tribe or order, and this view is confirmed by the discovery of what is really the same word in south Arabian inscriptions.

The Synecdemi and Notarii dressed like other people; the Thonraki also scorned priestly vestments.

In other words, the Druids constituted the learned and the priestly class, and they were in addition the chief expounders and guardians of the law.

The " priestly " traditions of the creation and of the patriarchs mark a very distinct advance upon the earlier narratives, and appear in a further developed form in the still later book of Jubilees, or " Little Genesis," where they are used to demonstrate the pre-Mosaic antiquity of the priestly or Levitical institutions.

Perhaps it was a resurgence of his forgotten priestly training but for the first time, Howie was more lucid than I.

intercedean>interceding high priestly work of Jesus Christ prays for us and our faith will not fail.

OLD] incompatibilities within its limits, and the two tendencies, prophetical and priestly, continue, the former finding its further development in Christianity.

, who points out that the intrusion of priestly power into the law courts is a recrudescence under changed conditions of a state of things from which the Babylonian code shows an emancipation nearly complete.

solemnize marriages was not assigned to the priestly family of Aaron or the Levite temple servants at all.




representational, unpriestly,

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