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priests Meaning in Tamil ( priests வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



priests தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


priests's Usage Examples:

In reality, they might justly be compared to the priests in so far as they were the mouthpieces of the congregation in public thanksgiving.

It insists on the erection of fonts; on distinction of grades among the ordained clergy; on not postponing baptism too long; on bishops and priests alone, and not deacons, being allowed to baptize and lay hands on or confirm the baptized; on avoiding communion with Arians; on the use of unleavened bread in the Sacrament, 'c.

In the last generations before the fall of Jerusalem, however, it was pro nounced in a low tone so that the sounds were lost in the chant of the priests.

Troubles broke out in various parts of Bohemia, and many Romanist priests were driven from their parishes.

On compulsion he stood in their midst and said: " O God, king of the universe, since these who stand with me are thy people and the besieged are thy priests, I pray thee that thou hearken not to those against these, nor accomplish what these entreat against those.

"the bishops and priests, of the wide-spread covetousness and vainglory as well as the growing heresies among Christians generally, agree with similar accounts in 2 Peter, 2 Timothy and Clement of Rome.

Rome took good care to educate the priesthood far above the status of the Orthodox priests.

marvels performed by the lector priests.

The officiating priests are now the descendants of the line of Zadok belonging to the tribe of Levi.

At the moment of communion the acolytes received in linen bags the consecrated Hosts to carry to the assisting priests.

Even at the later sessions the cardinal of Lorraine with the French prelates supported the German representatives in requests for the cup for the laity,the permission of the marriage of priests, and the revision of the breviary.


priestess, clergyman, archpriest, pontifex, Order, vicar, Father, bishop, Padre, domestic prelate, celebrant, Holy Order, reverend, primate, prelate, high priest, canon, man of the cloth, Monsignor, hierarch, confessor,


temporalty, follower, profane, laity, layman,

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