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preponderated Meaning in Tamil ( preponderated வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


முதன்மையாயிரு, அதிக சிரேஷ்டமாயிரு,

preponderated's Usage Examples:

In 1890 females preponderated among illiterates only in the age-group 10 to 19 years.

They came from Tonga in 1835 and naturally settled first in the eastern islands, where the Tongan element, already familiar to them, preponderated.

These deplorable results were, of course, not universally produced; there were admirable exceptions both among masters and among slaves - instances of benevolent protection on the one side and of unselfish devotion on the other; but the evil effects without doubt greatly preponderated.

Since the time of Charlemagne Germanic influence had preponderated in the West, as is shown in the expansion of the Church no less than in matters of ecclesiastical law.

1907, the conservative Right preponderated as much as the Left had done in its two predecessors.


overbalance, dominate, prevail, outbalance, rule, reign, predominate, outweigh,


lose, dissuade, misconception, yang, yin,

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