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preponderate Meaning in Tamil ( preponderate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


முதன்மையாயிரு, அதிக சிரேஷ்டமாயிரு,

preponderate's Usage Examples:

The Roman Catholic element preponderates in the southern provinces of Limburg, and North Brabant, but in Friesland, Groningen and Drente the Baptists and Christian Reformed are most numerous.

In 1890 females preponderated among illiterates only in the age-group 10 to 19 years.

The great administrator and the bold innovator were united in him in an exceptional degree, and he allowed neither character to preponderate unduly.

those caused by the upper surface preponderate, an over-corrected cone of rays enters the objective.

Spanish and German elements preponderate in the foreign colonies.

Gold is left in the anode slime when copper or silver are refined by the usual processes, but if the gold preponderate in the anode these processes are inapplicable.

White, for instance, should be much employed in July, to break the duller blues and purples which then preponderate.

In his view consciousness begins with want, and pain preponderates over pleasure in every individual life, with no hope for the future, while the final end is not consciousness, but the painlessness of the unconscious (see PEss1M1sM).

3, A) becomes attached to some firm object by the pole farthest from the mouth, and its growth preponderates in the direction of the principal axis, that is to say, the axis passing through the mouth (fig.

They came from Tonga in 1835 and naturally settled first in the eastern islands, where the Tongan element, already familiar to them, preponderated.


overbalance, dominate, prevail, outbalance, rule, reign, predominate, outweigh,


lose, dissuade, misconception, yang, yin,

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