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prepositions Meaning in Tamil ( prepositions வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



prepositions தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

an (wechsel Präposition, மாறக்கூடிய முன்னிடைச்சொல்) - at, by, in,, to.

in (wechsel Präposition, மாறக்கூடிய முன்னிடைச்சொல்)- in.

prepositions's Usage Examples:

The following rule corrects many such cases from subordinating conjunction (CJS) to prepositions (PRP) tags.

Spatial information carried in lexical items, especially spatial prepositions, can directly influence the formation of mental spatial models by the SRS.

The use of cases and genders, the construction of verbs and prepositions, and the verbal forms exhibit striking irregularities.

Case is known by the position of the noun in the sentence or by prepositions.

In the next set of frames the goal may be to introduce prepositions by connecting the words that have been learned so far.

"First, the construction is unlike that of any European tongue: all qualifiers precede the words they qtialify, except prepositions which become postpositions.

Sumerian has only postpositions instead of prepositions, which occur exclusively in Semitic.

disappear; the Pauline oil y is replaced by M erl,, while prepositions like dxpt, g, u rpoaOEV and Trap' (accus.

Were there any prepositions used in the preceding sentence?The use of cases and genders, the construction of verbs and prepositions, and the verbal forms exhibit striking irregularities.

Under his name two fragments are extant - the longer from his work on orthography (De orthographia), the shorter (chiefly on the use of prepositions) from another grammatical work.

But the spelling then was very concise: it is possible that some of the slighter words, such as prepositions, were omitted in the writing, and were intended to be supplied from the context.

A number of common wordsprepositions, 'c.

"The prepositions offer several points of comparison.


function word, closed-class word,


dominant, disarrange, deglycerolize,

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