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negotiation Meaning in Tamil ( negotiation வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



negotiation தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

உருகுவே சுற்றில் ஜிஏடிடி யின் பொது ஒப்பந்தத்தை பற்றிய பேரப்பேச்சுவார்த்தைகளின் போது அது நிகழ்ந்தது, மேலும் 1994 ஆம் ஆண்டிறுதியில் உலக வணிக அமைப்பு நிறுவிய போதிலிருந்து செயலாக்கத்தில் இருந்து வருகிறது.

negotiation's Usage Examples:

desired, and on the 23rd of April he received, the assent of the majority of the Rigsraad to attack Sweden's German provinces; in the beginning of May the still pending negotiations with that power were broken off, and on the 1st of June Frederick signed the manifesto justifying a war which was never formally declared.

Fouche, for meddling in the negotiations through an agent of his own, was promptly disgraced; and, when neither England was moved by diplomatic cajolery nor Louis Bonaparte by threats, French troops were sent against the Dutch capital.

As a preliminary to negotiation, the government was required to rescind all the obnoxious measures.

From 1809 the new administration, drifting steadily towards war, struggled on from one abortive and exasperating negotiation to another.

During the Directory he was charged with diplomatic missions, first to Lille and then to the congress of Rastadt (October 17 9 7), where the negotiations dragged wearily along and were finally broken.

Behind the Scenes at the WTO: The real world of trade negotiations is published by Zed Books.

This proposal, however, the Norwegian government found unacceptable, and explained that, if such control were insisted upon, all further negotiations would be purposeless.

In the negotiations with England which went on in the summer of 1806 Talleyrand had not a free hand; they came to nought, as did those with Russia which had led up to the signature of a Franco-Russian treaty at Paris by d'Oubril which was at once disavowed by the tsar.

The negotiations having failed, he marched to relieve the beleaguered garrison of Adigrat; but Menelek, discouraged by the heavy losses at Adowa, broke up his camp and returned southwards Abyssinto Shoa.


diplomatic negotiations, mediation, word, give-and-take, talks, parley, horse trading, collective bargaining, discussion, diplomacy, bargaining, dialogue,


categorem, categoreme, antonym, synonym, folly,

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