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negroid Meaning in Tamil ( negroid வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நீக்ரோ இனத்தைப் போன்றிருக்கிற,


நீக்ரோ இனத்தைப் போன்றிருக்கிற,

negroid's Usage Examples:

Many of the people are distinctly negroid, with big lips, small nose, broad at the base, and frizzly or curly black hair.

In appearance the Maltese are a handsome, well-formed race, about the middle height, and well set up; they have escaped the negroid contamination noticeable in Sicily, and their features are less dark than the southern Italians.

The great plain of Sennar is mainly occupied by Hassania Arabs in the north, by Abu-Rof (Rufaya) Hamites of Beja stock in the east as far as Fazogli, and elsewhere by the negroid Funj and the group of tribes collectively known as Shangalla (the Bertat, Legas, Sienetjo, Guinus, Kadalos, 'c.

Of all the Somali the Rahanwin betray the largest infusion of negroid blood.

The Semang, as they are most usually called by the Malays, are Negritos - a small, very dark people, with features of the negroid type, very prognathous, and with short, woolly hair clinging to the scalp in tiny crisp curls.

v,, the Malay name for the natives of New Guinea, the headquarters of the race), are physically negroid in type, nearly black, with crisp curly hair, flat noses and thick lips.

The country is occupied by a partly settled, partly nomad population of an extremely mixed negroid character.




chromatic color, white,

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