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negotiating Meaning in Tamil ( negotiating வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கலந்து பேசி முடிவு செய்,

negotiating's Usage Examples:

We cross the road, again negotiating the wooden chicanes which are almost as numerous as the bridges along the route.

Neither side had been careful to observe the terms of the treaty of 1547; the Turkish pashas in Hungary had raided Ferdinand's dominions, while Ferdinand had been negotiating with Frater GeOrgy (see Martinuzzi) with a view to freeing Transylvania from the Ottoman suzerainty.

We are now in the process of negotiating with new concessionaires to open a café in the New Year.

To counteract Alberoni's intrigues, he suggested an alliance with England, and in the face of great difficulties succeeded in negotiating the Triple Alliance (1717).

T-Mobile 's ' front three ' solus retail partners are currently renegotiating the terms of their relationships with the operator.

Here, negotiating and bargaining with the Mahratta chiefs, Wellesley acquired a knowledge of their affairs and an influence over them such as no other Englishman possessed.

For over a year he stayed in the Holy Land, making little sallies from Acre, and negotiating 2 Of the four Latin principalities of the East, Edessa was the first to fall, being extinguished between 1144 and 1150.

'He was so calm, as if they were negotiating over a car and not eternity together.

Auto appraiser car insurance job ny discounters houston insurance tx the united states congress premium when negotiating salary.

This position, however, did not prevent him from negotiating both with the dauphin and with the English; terms were soon arranged with the former, and Charles, having lost much of his popularity, left Paris just before the murder of Marcel in July 1358.

renegotiated say ' sorry we're not renegotiating it ' .

were compelled to exert their diplomacy against the aggrandizing aims of the man they had themselves installed in southern Italy, and to protect the Greek emperor, with whom they were negotiating the religious question.

It can be intimidating to haggle over the price of a vehicle, but these nine negotiating tips for buying a used car will give you the skills and confidence you need to get a great deal on your next used vehicle purchase.


bargain, talk over, renegotiate, broker, liaise, intercede, renegociate, mediate, dicker, talk terms, intermediate, negociate, discuss, hash out, arbitrate,


mediacy, immoderate, terminal, buy, fail,

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