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negotiate Meaning in Tamil ( negotiate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கலந்து பேசி முடிவு செய்,

negotiate's Usage Examples:

Meanwhile all hopes of an accommodation with Charles were dispelled by his flight on the 11th of November from Hampton Court to Carisbroke Castle in the Isle of Wight, his Flight object being to negotiate independently with the Scots, the parliament and the army.

He negotiates all treaties or alliances with foreign states, protects British subjects residing abroad, and demands satisfaction for any injuries they may sustain at the hands of foreigners.

's minority, and negotiated an alliance with Alphonso IX.

By treaties negotiated in 1820, 1825, 1830 and 1842 the Choctaws received for themselves and the Chickasaws a patent for all that portion of the territory which lies S.

The officers were called to meet at Newburgh, and it was the avowed purpose of the leaders of the movement to march the army westward, appropriate vacant public lands as part compensation for arrears of pay, leave Congress to negotiate for peace without an army, and "mock at their calamity and laugh when their fear cometh.

Even where a warrant for possession is issued, the parties can still negotiate a compromise to prevent eviction.

It should be noted that this concession was substituted for one negotiated by the same group, and projected to pass through Diarbekr.

The rider's body must be always clOse to the saddle in leaping, for if he were jerked up, the weight of say only a 10stone man coming down on the horse a couple of seconds after he has negotiated a large fence is sufficient to throw the animal down.

In either case the mediating power negotiates on behalf of the parties who invoke or accept its aid, but does not go farther.

Whether you are reselling the gold or expect your children or grandchildren to resell the bullion, the certificate will authenticate the gold and make it easier on the sellers to negotiate prices.

He ended by dominating the cabinet, but owing to his having negotiated a union of the Right Centre and the Left Centre (the Con nubio) in the conviction that the country needed the moderate elements of both parties, he quarrelled with DAzeglio (who, as an uncompromising conservative, failed to see the value of such a move) and resigned.


bargain, talk over, renegotiate, broker, liaise, intercede, renegociate, mediate, dicker, talk terms, intermediate, negociate, discuss, hash out, arbitrate,


mediacy, immoderate, terminal, buy, fail,

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