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minuteness Meaning in Tamil ( minuteness வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


minuteness தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

தோகம்-ரி (Tokam-ri, 덕암리/).

எனவே கோள்கள் சூரியனிடமிருந்து தோன்றியவை என்பதில் சந்தோகம் எழுந்து வேறு பொருட்களிலிருந்து தோன்றியிருக்க வேண்டும் என்ற அடிப்படையில் லைட்டில்டன் என்பவர் இரட்டை நட்சத்திரக் கொள்கையை வெளியிட்டார்.

minuteness's Usage Examples:

3 If one is apt to acquire too narrow a view of Jewish legalism, the whole experience of subsequent history, through the heroic age of the Maccabees and onwards, only proves that the minuteness of ritual procedure could not cramp the heart.

The former of these, which was distinguished by the unusual largeness of its concessions, and by the careful minuteness of its details, rapidly extended to many places in the neighbourhood, while the latter charter was given also to Miranda by Alphonso VI.

Another danger may come when minuteness of direction takes away the wholesome sense of responsibility.

This work, the Taj-ut-Tevarikh (Crown of Chronicles), is reckoned, on account of its ornate yet clear style, one of the masterpieces of the old school, and forms the first of an unbroken series of annals which are written, especially the later among them, with great minuteness and detail.

The commencement of anatomical investigations deserves notice here as influencing the general accuracy and minuteness with which zoological work was prosecuted, but it was not until a late date that their full influence was brought to bear upon systematic zoology by Georges Cuvier (1769-1832).

a minuteness of detail that had never before been approached.

THE Study Of Bacteria The general advances which have been made of late years in the study of bacteria are clearly brought to mind when we reflect that in the middle of the 19th century these organisms were only known to a few experts and in a few forms as curiosities of the microscope, chiefly interesting for their minuteness and motility.

t Port Royal contributed the historian Tillemont, whose bigotry Edward Gibbon declares to be overbalanced by his erudition, veracity and scrupulous minuteness.

This being the case, and having regard to the minuteness and ubiquity of these organisms, we should be very careful in accepting evidence as to the continuity or otherwise of any two forms which falls short of direct and uninterrupted observation.

Its hero Nial, type of the good lawyer, is contrasted with its villain Mord, the ensample of cunning, chicane, and legal wrong doing; and a great part of the saga is taken up with the three cases and suits of the divorce, the death of Hoskuld and the burning of Nial, which are given with great minuteness.


exactness, exactitude,


massiveness, inaccuracy, imprecision, bigness, largeness,

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