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minutia Meaning in Tamil ( minutia வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


minutia's Usage Examples:

Millions of pieces of minutia per life, for billions of lives.

Dean spent most of the evening flipping through TV channels, but as none of the inane programs held even minimal inter­est, he took out his voice recorder and began summarizing his notes for the detailed report on Jeffrey Byrne, adding as much minutia as he could muster, as Cynthia Byrne had requested.

An instinctive respect for minutiae has thus been inculcated, and has gradually extended to all the affairs of life.

No rule can be given for determining with certainty the day on which any given Jewish year begins without entering into the minutiae of their irregular and complicated calendar.

As noted previously, in the future much of what you do will leave a Digital Echo, a record of its occurrence, down to the very minutia of your life.

rin17 n'mn This title may have arisen from its dealing more fully with details and minutiae than the biblical work.

During the 8th and 9th centuries the office tended to become more and more exclusively purely administrative, the archdeacon by his visitations relieving the bishop of the minutiae of government and keeping him informed in detail of the condition of his diocese.

Some hosts prefer to give a planner only general ideas and guidelines, and let them arrange most of the minutia, while others are far more involved and only rely on the planner's expertise when they are unable to manage.

To those who have no patience with the minutiae of legislation, the prolix discussions are as irksome as the arguments appear arbitrary.

This time he'd bury Jake Weller in a mountain of minutiae.

Not every fan enjoyed the minutiae involved in the foundation of accepted technologies, but Enterprise never forgot its place in the Star Trek timeline.

It can still be pretty clearly shown in detail that these four codices deviated from one another in points of orthography, in the insertion or omission of a wa (" and ") and such-like minutiae; but these variations nowhere affect the sense.


point, detail, item,


antinode, node, end, beginning,

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