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marshland Meaning in Tamil ( marshland வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



marshland's Usage Examples:

The surface is generally flat, and there is much marshland in its southern part, and along its north-eastern shore.

In Kent county there are more than 60,000 acres of tidal marshland, some of which has been reclaimed by means of dykes; Cypress Swamp in the extreme S.

The work was carried out in the years 174 6 - 1 753, a large tract of marshland being brought under cultivation, a considerable detour cut off, and the main stream successfully confined to the canal, 12 M.

The Thames was once a much broader, shallower river with extensive marshlands.

In Norfolk the reeds of marshland are employed, and they constitute a durable thatch lasting from thirty to forty years or more.

Soon I was splashing through marshland where huge bulrushes towered overhead.

Theft Of Livestock The coastal marshland and extensive common land meant that the Dengie 100 teemed with livestock especially sheep.

To the east lay the flat marshlands of the Isle of Grain.

Neuwerk, containing some marshland protected by dikes, has two lighthouses and a lifeboat station.

In the time of the civil war the marshlands in Irak between Basra and Wasit had been occupied by a large population of Indians, called yat, or, according to the Arabic pronunciation, Zoti, who infested the roads and levied a heavy tribute from the ships ascending and descending the Tigris.

With the drying up of this channel and the closing of Sandwich harbour in the 16th century, the present marshlands or level to the south and west of the isle were left.

Bandini), promoted agriculture, and reclaimed wide areas of marshland to intensive cultivation.

The site chosen consisted of an expanse of marshland through which the Stour flowed as an insignificant stream.


fenland, wetland, fen, salt marsh, marsh,



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