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mars Meaning in Tamil ( mars வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

ரோமர்களின் போர்த்தெய்வம்

mars's Usage Examples:

Fitzstephen tells how, when the great marsh that washed the walls of the city on the north (Moorfields) was frozen over; the young men went out to slide and skate and sport on the ice.

to his grandson Thomas, a lunatic living at Padua, on whose death in 1677 it passed to this Thomas's brother, Henry Frederick, who had been created earl of Norwich and hereditary earl marshal of England in 1672.

This upheaval - the consequences of which have been felt even within the historic period, by the drainage of the formerly impracticable marshes of Novgorod and at the head of the Gulf of Finland - together with the destruction of forests, contributes towards a decrease of precipitation over Russia and towards increased shallowness of her rivers.

The marshes make for great nature and bird watching, while the flat terrain allows bicyclists to easily explore miles of the countryside and waterfront.

At one end this street is terminated by the Siegestor, while at the other is the Feldherrenhalle (or hall of the marshals), a copy of the Loggia dei Lanzi at Florence, containing statues of Tilly and Wrede by Schwanthaler.

, of which the lord high constable and earl marshal of England were joint judges.

, accumulating in cesspools, forests, marshes and elsewhere in such abundance.

Rush (Juncus) - Water-side or marsh plants, generally with long round leaves.

One of these, Prothylacinus, is regarded as the forerunner of the marsupial wolf of Tasmania.

A low timber breastwork prevents landward migration of spit onto marshes.

Specialities of the reserve: Tussock sedge, bog pimpernel, bog pimpernel, bogbean, southern marsh orchid, reed bunting, snipe, grass snake.

In Roman times it was a tidal salt marsh becoming meadowland in the middle ages, gradually extending in area as the Dee silted.

Full accounts of the accidence and syntax, so far as it is represented in the inscriptions, will be found in the grammars of Buck and von Planta already mentioned, and in the second volume of Conway, op.


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