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introversion Meaning in Tamil ( introversion வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



introversion தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

"மறைந்துள்ள" "அகமுகமான" எனப்பொருளுறும் "பத்தின்" எனும் அராபியச் சொல்லிலிருந்து உருவானது.

introversion's Usage Examples:

It is clear that, if we start from the condition of full eversion of the tube and watch the process of introversion, we shall find that the pleurecbolic variety is introverted by the apex of the tube sinking inwards; it may be called acrembolic, whilst conversely the acrecbolic tubes are pleurembolic.

Child and adolescent psychiatrists are trained to help parents sort out whether their child's level of shyness is normal introversion or indicative of a disorder.

introversion as a legitimate personality syle.

The condition usually spoken of as a " proboscis " appears to be derived from the condition of a simple rostrum (having the mouth at its extremity) by the process of incomplete introversion of that simple rostrum.

Each cansists of an eversible hollow tentacle provided with hooklets and capable of introversion within a mem The excretory organs consist of flame-cells, richly convoluted canaliculi, and a pair of longitudinal canals leading to the exterior by one or more pores.

As of 2004, research tended to distinguish shyness from introversion.

The introvert is not a simple one with complete range both in eversion and introversion, but is arrested in introversion by the fibrous bands at c, and similarly in eversion by the fibrous bands at b.

Without a huge budget, and without a large distributor behind them, one would think that introversion didn't stand a chance.

Further, the Gastropod's introvert is pleurembolic (and therefore acrecbolic), and is limited both in eversion and in introversion; it cannot be completely everted owing to the muscular bands (fig.

The probability appears to be against an actual introversion of the appendage and its lamellae, as was at one time suggested by Lankester.


unsociableness, internality, inwardness, introversive, unsociability, introvertive,


extroversive, ambiversion, outwardness, ambiversive, sociability, extraversion,

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