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intruders Meaning in Tamil ( intruders வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அழையாது நுழைபவர்,

intruders's Usage Examples:

The North American Indians fear lest their venerated rattlesnake should incite its kinsfolk to avenge any injury done to it, and when the Seminole Indians begged an English traveller to rid them of one of these troublesome intruders, they scratched him-as a matter of formin order to appease the spirit of the dead snake.

His successor Mendez was a man of much less conciliatory manners, and the feelings of the people became strongly excited against the intruders, till at length, on the death of the negus Sysenius, Socinius or Seged I.

Brady rested his laser gun on his shoulder, taking in the undisturbed minefield and pieces of bodies remaining after several of the intruders tried to cross the bio-elim field before it was disabled.

On the other hand bulldogs are famed for their ability to scare away burglars and intruders.

But with the return of the warmer season each male selects a territory, which he fiercely defends against all comers, especially against intruders of his own species and sex, and to which he invites all females, until the nest is filled with ova.

The cliff's sheer drop created a natural defense against any intruders in addition to providing a view that was breathtaking by day or night.

They are permitted to scavenge their surroundings for supplies but at any time outside intruders can attack and try to steal their inventions and supplies.

The group of these queer creatures which was discovered clustered near the stairs at first remained staring and motionless, glaring with evil eyes at the intruders who had so suddenly appeared in their land.

By the English of New England and Virginia the Dutch and Swedes were regarded as intruders, and were repeatedly warned against trespassing on English soil.

"I think I know where to start," he said, focusing on the sense that told him where the immortal intruders were.

Peoples of three distinct stocks inhabit the country - the comparatively recent Semitic Arab intruders, mainly in Upper Nubia, the Beja (?A remnant of the Mamelukes fled to Nubia, and a tranquillity was restored to Egypt to which it had long been unaccustomed.

The mere instinct of self-preservation had, at last, drawn the Poles and Lithuanians together against these ruthless and masterful intruders, and the coronation of Jagiello at Cracow on the 15th of February 1386, was both a warning and a challenge to the Knights.

Peoples of three distinct stocks inhabit the country - the comparatively recent Semitic Arab intruders, mainly in Upper Nubia, the Beja (?Luckily, there are products that can kill these tiny intruders.


interloper, thruster, encroacher, prowler, stranger, penetrator, persona non grata, unknown, unwelcome person, entrant, boarder, pusher, unwelcome guest, squatter, alien, gatecrasher, stalker, sneak, crasher, invader, trespasser, infiltrator,


citizen, refrain, ride, unconcealed, acquaintance,

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