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introvert Meaning in Tamil ( introvert வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தன்னம்பிக்கை அற்றவர்,

introvert's Usage Examples:

If you are both extroverts, you'll likely be able to have constant conversation, while two introverts will naturally enjoy more silence together.

Schizoid personalities are introverted, withdrawn, solitary, emotionally cold, and distant.

19, F) which tie the axial pharynx to the adjacent wall of the apical part of the introvert.

In some Gymnolaemata, polypides which develop an ovary possess a flask-shaped "intertentacular organ," situated between two of the tentacles, and affording a direct passage into the introvert for the eggs or even the spermatozoa developed in the same zooecium.

I found the people of Goole to be very introverted.

Most are quiet and introverted, but if they do take part in group work, Capricorns will often become leaders because of their sound methods and strength in logical reasoning.

The last named is said to have numerous papillae and no introvert.

The introvert is not a simple one with complete range both in eversion and introversion, but is arrested in introversion by the fibrous bands at c, and similarly in eversion by the fibrous bands at b.

It is clear that, if we start from the condition of full eversion of the tube and watch the process of introversion, we shall find that the pleurecbolic variety is introverted by the apex of the tube sinking inwards; it may be called acrembolic, whilst conversely the acrecbolic tubes are pleurembolic.

D, E, A similar simple introvert in course of eversion by the forward movement, not of its sides, but of its apex, as in the proboscidean Rhabdocoels acrecbolic.

While you may always be introverted, there are things you can do to be less reserved and more extroverted.

Jung's theory holds that human beings are either introverts or extraverts, and their behavior follows from these inborn psychological types.


individual, somebody, soul, mortal, person, someone,


male, acquaintance, good guy, fat person, extrovert,

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