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imaginary Meaning in Tamil ( imaginary வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உண்மை அல்லாத, கற்பனையான,

imaginary தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அடிக்கடி விளம்பரங்களுக்காக அதிக பணம் செலவழிக்கும் நிறுவனங்கள் உண்மை அல்லாதவற்றை விற்கின்றன.

இலக்கியம் புனைகதை அல்லது புனைவு என்பது, உண்மை அல்லாத கதைகளைக் குறிக்கும்.

imaginary's Usage Examples:

his triumphs, whether real or imaginary, to the reverso Campaiza sustained by the armies of the French directory, wa~The nation would never accept a Catholic king, a Stuart, nor revert, as against England, to the ancient French alliance.

If we consider any short length of the stream bounded by two imaginary cross-sections A and B on either side of the plug, unit mass of the fluid in passing A has work, p'v', done on it by the fluid behind and carries its energy, E'+ U', with it into the space AB, where U' is the kinetic energy of flow.

transmogrifyimaginary world, children eventually transmogrified into those horror-movie monsters called teenagers.

In the utilitarianism of Paley and Bentham the proper rules of conduct, moral and legal, are determined by comparing the imaginary consequences of different modes of regulation on men and women, conceived as specimens of a substantially uniform and unchanging type.

Brinkley's imaginary star-parallaxes (Phil.

Budapest, 1845), which portray an imaginary communistic colony in Central Africa.

) from the Greek ob, not, and 7-inros, a place, meaning therefore a place which has no real existence, an imaginary country.

Hence much pure invention, bolstered up by forgery of charters, falsification of genuine ones, and construction of imaginary pedigrees.

Pedigrees were invented, imaginary consulships and fictitious triumphs inserted, and family traditions and family honours were formally incorporated with the history of the state.

The term "perfect gas" is applied to an imaginary substance in which there is no frictional retardation of molecular motion; or, in other words, the time during which any molecule is influenced by other molecules is infinitesimally small compared with the time during which it traverses its mean free path.

Sylph >>SYLPH, an imaginary spirit of the air; according to Paracelsus, the first modern writer who uses the word, an air-elemental, coming between material and immaterial beings.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some imaginary pjamas to unbutton.

They added "that the public at large have only to know that their rights are imaginary to induce them also to be content with the extant system under which permission is very freely granted by owners of fisheries to the public for angling on the more frequented parts of the Thames.


notional, fanciful, unreal,


insincere, counterfeit, abstract, real,

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