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hilly Meaning in Tamil ( hilly வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



hilly's Usage Examples:

The surface of the peninsula was very hilly and irregular, the shore-line was deeply indented with coves, and there were salt marshes that fringed the neck and the river-channel and were left oozy by the ebbing tides.

It lies in a hilly well-wooded district above the valley of the small river Wye, a tributary of the Thames.

The greater portion is rugged and hilly, culminating in Mount Elias in the west (2538 ft.

Finally, the BohemianMoravian Mountains, which enclose Bohemia and Moravia, and form the so-called quadrilateral of Bohemia, constitute the link of the Austrian mountain-system with the hilly region (the Mittelgebirge) of central Europe.

The general character of the country is hilly, rising westwards in a gentle slope from the chief stream, the Nam Hpilu or Balu.

Even warm sunny beaches have a few chilly nights or rainy afternoons, so having a tent rented will provide a hideaway from Mother Nature and party crashers who are vacationing at the beach.

It lies in a bare hilly district on and above the small river Hebble near its junction with the Calder.

The west central portion has considerable irregularities of contour, and the north-west is distinctively hilly.

The low Atlantic coast and the hilly or mountainous Pacific coast foreshadow the leading features in the distribution of mountains within the United States.

After a severe march through hilly country and in the midst of snowstorms, the French reunited near Belfort, and without a moment's delay poured into Alsace from the south.

portion of the state is, topographically, similar to south-eastern Alabama, being a rolling, hilly country; the eastern section is a part of the Atlantic coastal plain; the western coast line is less regular than the eastern, being indented by a number of bays and harbours, the largest of which are Charlotte Harbour, Tampa Bay and Pensacola Bay.

She shivered in the chilly ocean breeze.

He must be a referral from his Philly pals.


rough, unsmooth, cragged, mountainous, craggy,


regular, lowland, small, little, smooth,

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