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hilus Meaning in Tamil ( hilus வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


hilus's Usage Examples:

, and succeeded his father Theophilus when three years old (842).

, 1887; Weldon, "Dinophilus gigas," Quart.

In politics he was a staunch Federalist, and with Fisher Ames, Timothy Pickering and Theophilus Parsons (all of whom lived in Essex county, Massachusetts) was classed as a member of the "Essex Junto," - a wing of the party and not a formal organization.

admixture of Mongolian species, such as Canis corsac, Felis manul, Spermophilus dauricus, the jerboa (Dipus jaculus), two hamsters (Cricetus songarus and C.

The resemblance of Dinophilus to the Rotifera is, however, quite superficial, and the general structure of this genus with distinct traces of segmentation, especially in the embryo, points to its close affinity, if not to Polygordius in particular, at all events to the Annelida.

Bacteria strains such as acidophilus are, by name, "acid loving" and require an acidic environment in order to proliferate.

The Pilgrimage of Tender Conscience, the Pilgrimage of Good Intent, the Pilgrimage of Seek Truth, the Pilgrimage of Theophilus, the Infant Pilgrim, the Hindoo Pilgrim, are among the many feeble copies of the great original.

The first settlement in New Haven (called Quinnipiac, its Indian name, until 1640) was made in the autumn of 1637 by a party of explorers in search of a site for colonization for a band of Puritans, led by Theophilus Eaton and the Rev.

The style of Diphilus was simple and natural, and his language on the whole good Attic; he paid great attention to versification, and was supposed to have invented a peculiar kind of metre.

- Front View of Skull of the Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus ursinus) to exhibit polyprotodont type of dentition.

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