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himation Meaning in Tamil ( himation வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



himation தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நல்ல வானிலைக் காலத்தில் உழவர் அறுப்பு, கதிரடிப்பு, கட்டுகட்டுதல் பணிகளில் முனைப்பாக ஈடுபடுவர்.

himation's Usage Examples:

the Greek himation, was at first worn only by Romans addicted to Greek fashions, but from the time of Tiberius, who wore it in daily life, its use became general.

3 In time of peace the toga was wrapped round the right arm, leaving the hand only free, much after the fashion of the Greek himation, and thrown over the left shoulder so as to fall down behind (see Roman Art, Plate II.

- The female dress of the Etruscans did not differ in any important respect from that of the Greeks; it consisted of the chiton and himation, which was in earlier times usually worn as a shawl, not after the fashion of the Doric7r7rXos.

Over this the ricinium or ricer, a shawl covering the head and shoulders, was worn in early times, and retained by certain priestesses as an official costume; 4 but it gave place to the palla, the equivalent of the Greek himation, and the dress of the Roman women henceforward differed in no essential particular from that of the Greek.

In time of peace the toga was wrapped round the right arm, leaving the hand only free, much after the fashion of the Greek himation, and thrown over the left shoulder so as to fall down behind.

A woman's head was usually covered by drawing up the iµaTCov (see above), but sometimes instead of this, a separate piece of cloth was made to perform this service, the end of it falling over the himation.

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