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gradations Meaning in Tamil ( gradations வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தரவாரியாகப் பிரிக்கப்படுதல்,

gradations's Usage Examples:

In the then state of knowledge, it appeared that all the species of animals and plants could be arranged in one series, in such a manner that, by insensible gradations, the mineral passed into the plant, the plant into the polype, the polype into the worm, and so, through gradually higher forms of life, to man, at the summit of the animated world.

The minute gradations observed by Hyatt, Waagen and all invertebrate palaeontologists, in the hard parts (shells) of molluscs, 'c.

We are not concerned with the question whether the earliest forms of recorded religious consciousness such as animism, or totemism, or fetishism, were themselves degradations of a primitive revelation or not.

The tundra passes by imperceptible gradations into the moor, bog and heath of warmer climates.

It is, however, probable that the one class runs into the other by imperceptible gradations.

The people have strict notions of etiquette and gradations of rank.

Nature (says Zeller) is to Hegel a system of gradations, of which one arises necessarily out of the other, and is the proximate truth of that out of which it results.

He recognizes gradations of things according to the degree of complexity of their movements and that of their conceptions.

The observation of the existence of an analogy between the series of gradations presented by the species which compose any great group of animals or plants, and the series of embryonic conditions of the highest members of that group.

"The people have strict notions of etiquette and gradations of rank.

The light of Algol remains constant during close upon 56 hours; then declines in 62 hours (approximately) to nearly one-fourth its normal amount, and is restored by sensibly the same gradations.

, are analogous to the equally minute gradations observed by vertebrate palaeontologists in the hard parts of reptiles and mammals.


rank, step, cut,


uncastrated, undiluted, malfunction, strengthen,

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