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grade Meaning in Tamil ( grade வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)





grade தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

V \mathcal{P}_n: மெய்யெண் மதிப்புள்ள, படித்தரம் n க்குமேல்போகாத, எல்லா பல்லுறுப்புக்கோவைகளும் அடங்கிய திசையன் வெளி.

grade's Usage Examples:

) near the range crest is explained as occupyilig a depression between two block fragments; and farther north similar depressions now appear as aggraded highland meadows.

The Pan-Serb section of opinion in Belgrade, encouraged in this instance by some of the army chiefs for strategic reasons, has always coveted northern Albania: and the Montenegrin Unionists, led by Radovie, made every effort to secure the adoption of their full claim by the Yugoslav delegation.

Brandt now retained very nearly the same arrangement as his predecessor; but, notwithstanding that he could trust to the firmer foundation of internal framework, he took at least two retrograde steps.

Cheating causes problems for those honest students by unfairly giving cheaters the academic advantage, which in turn makes it harder for those who did study to get the grades and recognition they deserve.

He had risen in the arms of beautiful women, after nights on the town when headaches would make you scream for mercy, and on a fifth-grade morning when Frankie Cataldo had bragged to the world he would kick the shit out of David Dean.

The WGR614 provides WEP or WPA-PSK (free upgrade available) wireless encryption standards to protect your network from eavesdroppers and bandwidth pinchers.

Data collection A proforma was designed specifically for completion at the outpatient clinics by middle grade and consultant cardiology staff.

Women hold a degraded position among the Somali (wives being often looted with sheep), doing most of the hard work.

cannabis downgraded from a Class B to Class C drug.

The new humanism was a kind of revival of the Renaissance, which had been retarded by the Reformation in Germany and by the Counter-Reformation in Italy, or had at least been degraded to the dull classicism of the schools.

The priesthood has three grades: (I) the Sh'kanda or deacon is generally chosen from episcopal or priestly families, and must be without bodily blemish.

Is the upgrade a temporary stopgap or a permanent solution, this obviously influences how much it is worth spending.

I then fitted these in a box under the quarter berth and then rewired the boat with Arctic grade cable.


course, gathering, master class, section, discussion section, form, class, assemblage,


close, increase, embarrassment, intemperance, unrestraint,

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