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graded Meaning in Tamil ( graded வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சீராக்கப்பட்ட (அ) சமதளமாக்கப்பட்ட,

graded's Usage Examples:

If, however, the weight in a degraded form, and the foot in an undegraded form, come from the East, it is needless to look for an exact relation between them, but rather for a mere working equivalent, like the 1000 ounces to the cubit foot in England.

With a serf population even this was not impossible; but as the beds of the canals were graded to no even slope, it did not follow that if water entered the head it would flow evenly on.

Idle Duck sailing after the rig was upgraded with a big roller reefing jib.

Charm City Cards sells used and new sports cards, including cards that are graded and autographed.

The ancient ritual (Chow Li) carefully graded the right of sacrifice from the viceroys of provinces down to the humblest district-superintendent who offered to the spirits of his district, the hills, lakes and grains.

the penalty for stealing the Host was the stake; that for other crimes was graded accordingly.

There were really constant disagreements, and sometimes the king degraded the mayor and appointed a custos or warden in his place.

Like Umbrian also, but unlike Latin and Oscan, it has degraded all the diphthongs into simple vowels (Volscian se parallel to Oscan svai; Volscian deue, Old Latin and Oscan deivai or deiuoi).

Women hold a degraded position among the Somali (wives being often looted with sheep), doing most of the hard work.

hindbrain patterning involves graded responses to retinoic acid signaling, Development.

Preserved merely as taxpayers necessary to supply the funds for the maintenance of the dominant and military class, according to a foreign observer in 1571, they had been so degraded and oppressed that they dared not look a Turk in the face.

Women have the right to vote in all elections relating to schools and school officers in cities, towns and graded school districts, and also the right to be elected to any local school position or to the office of township clerk.


ranked, hierarchic, hierarchal, stratified, hierarchical,


unranked, nonhierarchic, ungraded, unstratified, nonhierarchical,

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