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curial Meaning in Tamil ( curial வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



curial தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


curial's Usage Examples:

In the literature and drama of his country, the Andalusian is traditionally represented as the Gascon of Spain, ever boastful and mercurial; or else as a picaresque hero, bull-fighter, brigand or smuggler.

Antimonial, bismuth and arsenical compounds were assiduously studied, a direct consequence of their high medicinal importance; mercurial and silver compounds were investigated for the same reason.

Your mercurial nature and steadfastness makes you perfect for any type of committee (think Yearbook staff), or the head of social functions (like Homecoming).

He borrowed large sums from bankers, curials, princes and Jews.

During this time he composed his greatest works, published almost certainly in 1159, the Policraticus, sive de nugis, curialium et de vestigiis philosophorum and the Ilietalogicus, writings invaluable as storehouses of information regarding the matter and form of scholastic education, and remarkable for their cultivated style and humanist tendency.

It's music that bypasses the brain entirely, beguiling the soul with its ceaselessly inventive mercurial forms conjured literally out of the air.

The disciplined philosopher, who had devoted himself to the task of comprehending the organism of the state, had no patience with feebler or more mercurial minds who recklessly laid hands on established ordinances, and set them aside where they contravened humanitarian sentiments.

When the male and female flowers of a species are found on separate plants, the term dioecious is applied, as in Mercurialis and hemp; and when a species has male, female and hermaphrodite flowers on the same or different plants, as in Parietaria, it is polygamous.

He studied at Paris under Girard la Pucelle, who began to teach in or about 1160, but as he states in his book De nugis curialium that he was at the court of Henry II.

Among the principal varieties are those which contain carbolic acid and other ingredients of coal tar, salicylic acid, petroleum, borax, camphor, iodine, mercurial salts, sulphur and tannin.

Even this did not tame the impostors mercurial temperament.

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