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curing Meaning in Tamil ( curing வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



curing தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


curing's Usage Examples:

Cross fertilization, or the impregnation of any given flower by pollen from another flower of the same species on the same or on another plant, has been proved to be of great - g advantage to the plant by securing a more FIG.

Senate, he was again a representative in Congress, and from 1877 almost continuously to the close of his service he was chairman of the Committee on Commerce, in which capacity he had a prominent part in securing the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887.

The mother discouraged the affair, and, though Voltaire tried to avail himself of the mania for proselytizing which then distinguished France, his father stopped any idea of a match by procuring a lelire de cachet, which, however, he did not use.

She reached for the band around her neck securing the dress.

You can even wear a pashmina as a headscarf, securing the knot beside the neck with a scarf clip.

The same may be said of the numerous silly stories told of his life, such as that of his procuring a free passage to Paris by inscribing packets "Poison for the king," and so forth.

overheating problems on the final two stages, they finished intact, securing 32nd overall, ninth in class.

His advocacy of temperance had much to do with securing the passing of the Forbes Mackenzie Act, which secured Sunday closing and shortened hours of sale for Scotland.

On the 19th of January 1900 Osman Digna, who had been so great a supporter of Mahdism in the Eastern Sudan, and had always shown great discretion in securing the safety of his own person, was surrounded an.

Feeling, which Epicurus declared to be the means of determining what is good, is subordinated to a reason which adjudicates between competing pleasures with the view of securing tranquillity of mind and body.

In view of the fact that Biffen has proved that immunity from the attacks of a certain fungus in wheat is a transmissible recessive character reappearing in some of the individuals of the second generation, it would appear that there is great hope of securing an immune variety with the aid of this form.

Air curing is essentially similar to sun curing.

How can you prevent your stinky shoes from becoming so malodorous?There was some malodorous corruption occuring in the executive's office.


solidifying, plastination, action, solidification, natural process, congelation, set, natural action, hardening, congealment, activity,


activation, discontinuance, inactivity, discontinuation, assembly,

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