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conspicuous Meaning in Tamil ( conspicuous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


எளிதில் பார்க்கக் கூடிய, கவனத்தைக் கவர்கிற,

conspicuous தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஆனால் நம் சூரிய வெதுவெதுப்பை நாள்தோறும் உணர்வதால் சூரியனைவிட எப்போதோ அருகித் தோன்றும் வால்வெள்ளியே நம் கவனத்தைக் கவர்கிறது.

கருஞ்சிவப்பு நிறத்தில் எதிர்காந்தப் பண்புடன் காணப்படும் , ஒலிஃபின்களின் ஒழுங்கற்ற இரு ஐதராக்சிலேற்றம் வினைக்கு இவ்வுப்பு வினையூக்கியாகச் செயல்படுவதால் வேதியியலில் முக்கியத்துவம் பெற்று கவனத்தைக் கவர்கிறது.

conspicuous's Usage Examples:

Throughout his career as Speaker he exhibited conspicuous impartiality, combined with a perfect knowledge of the traditions, usages and forms of the house, soundness of judgment, and readiness of decision upon all occasions; and he will always rank as one of the greatest holders of this important office.

Its most conspicuous plants are Ficus Bowerbankii, Aralia primigenia, Comptonia acutiloba, Dryandra Bunburyi, Cassia Ungeri and the fruits of Caesalpinia.

) the ripe cone differs from those of Pinus, Picea and Cedrus in the large size of the carpellary scales, which project as conspicuous thin appendages beyond the distal margins of the broader and more woody seminiferous scales; the long carpellary scale is a prominent feature also in the cone of the Douglas pine (Pseudotsuga Douglasii).

One conspicuous feature of the Bosnian land-system is the Moslem Vakuf, or ecclesiastical property, consisting of estates dedicated to such charitable purposes as poor-relief, and the endowment of mosques, schools, hospitals, cemeteries and baths.

The church of St George was built in 1826, its tower forming a conspicuous landmark, and the Roman Catholic church of St Augustine was built from the designs and at the expense of A.

And on the influence of these inconspicuous bodies and of the pituitary body in sustaining arterial blood pressures physiologists have thrown some important light.

Many writers in recent years, among whom may be named especially Heliriegel and Wilfarth, Lawes and Gilbert, and Schlcesing and Laurent, have shown that the Leguminosae as a group form conspicuous exceptions to this rule.

Ames was one of the group of New England ultraFederalists known as the "Essex Junto," who opposed the French policy of President John Adams in 1798, and were conspicuous for their British sympathies.

Welcome to the world of conspicuous consumption, preening celebrities, snowbound indie film hopefuls and arrogant distributor moguls.

Another and much more conspicuous kind of tomb is that known as the beehive tomb.

dads brother!Stay-at-home dads War in Iraq New baby, new you - get into shape!Lots of mums and dads think it's too violent but it's just downright crazy!They come in a range of colors, some in quite muted shades so the dads won't feel too conspicuous.


indiscreet, flagrant, gross, egregious, big, featured, spectacular, outstanding, crying, eye-catching, salient, attention-getting, striking, conspicuousness, in evidence, rank, bold, marked, large, glaring, prominent,


little, dull, inconspicuousness, discreet, inconspicuous,

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