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conspiracies Meaning in Tamil ( conspiracies வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கூட்டு சதி செய்தல்,

conspiracies's Usage Examples:

The Jameson conspiracy fared no worse and no better than the great majority of conspiracies in history.

The evil reputation of these festivals, at which the grossest debaucheries took place, and all kinds of crimes and political conspiracies were supposed to be planned, led in 186 B.

In the year of the treaty of Etaples the Yorkist conspiracies began once more to thicken, and Henry was fortunate to escape with profit from the French war before his domestic Yorkist troubles recommenced.

; the constantly veering policy and affections of the queen-mother; and the gold of England, filled fourteen years with distractions, murders, treasons and conspiracies.

Opposition used the mechanism of conspiracies; and changes of administration were effected by the seizure of the king's person, especially during the many royal minorities.

He was, however, in no way implicated in the murder of the young princes, and he was probably a participant in the conspiracies against Richard.

"This is the centre of the swadeshi movement for the boycott of English goods, of the most seditious speeches and writings and of conspiracies for the assassination of officials.

Lord Derby's second administration of 1858 lasted but a single year, Palmerston having casually been defeated on a measure for removing conspiracies to murder abroad from the class of misdemeanour to that of felony, which was introduced in consequence of Orsini's attempt on the life of the emperor of the French.

After the second conspiracy he was accused of having taken part in both conspiracies.

few weeks later the Polish commander-in-chief formed a whole series of conspiracies for the purpose of dethroning his lawful sovereign, and openly placed himself beneath the protection of Louis XIV.

The remainder of Kalakaua's reign teemed with intrigues and conspiracies to restore autocratic rule.

During the year 1843 the air was full of conspiracies, and various ill-starred attempts at rising: against the Italian despots were made.


cabal, plot, game, secret plan, Gunpowder Plot,


disarrange, deglycerolize, stay in place, detach, untie,

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