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conscious Meaning in Tamil ( conscious வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உணர்வு விழிப்படைய,

conscious's Usage Examples:

But we have a double consciousness of inference.

Their representation of the moral character, the religious consciousness, the teaching of Jesus, inspires confidence.

He put pressure on his injured leg with a grimace but gestured towards the unconscious soldier hanging between two others.

But he had still in him more than twenty years of vigorous vitality, and, not conscious to himself of any shortcoming, looked forward, now his hands were free, to doing battle for his doctrines.

Unconsciousness must have paid its call before hands secured him and lowered him to the waiting rescuers below.

The savings all expended and Sully fallen into disgrace, she lost her influence and became the almost unconscious instrument of an ambitious man of low birth, the Florentine Concini, who was to drag her down with him in his fall; petty shifts became thenceforward the order of the day.

He must be an essential unity prior to this duality, a Being wholly without difference or determination; and, accordingly, the highest mode of human existence, in which the soul apprehends this absolute, must be one in which all definite thought is transcended, and all consciousness of self lost in the absorbing ecstasy.

His life was also happy, for he had pleasure in his work, he loved and was loved by his wife and children; he had a strong constitution, and retained his bodily and mental powers to the last; his faith in the religion of his youth was unshaken to the end; and he lived throughout his long life with the consciousness of rectitude.

But his main sympathy was with Fechner, the gist of whose " inner psychophysics " he adopted, without, however, the hypothesis that what is conscious in us is conscious in the all-embracing spirit of God.

Is it going twice to the builder's hod?So getting back to form filling stress equals lightly hod of you making errors in your documents, thus wasting paper right!- -, mai baodhO (consciousness) hOd boi padha (foot).

avoiding solipsism requires that we assign consciousness (or reality) to everyone we could meet who is sufficiently similar to ourselves.

He did not know how long his unconsciousness lasted.


semiconscious, awake, sentient, self-aware, cognisant, aware, self-conscious, sensitive, cognizant, sensible, voluntary,


asleep, unaware, insensible, involuntary, unconscious,

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