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conscript Meaning in Tamil ( conscript வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

கட்டாய ப்படி

conscript's Usage Examples:

At first the troops on both sides were voluntarily enlisted, but the South quickly, the North later, put in force conscription acts.

Those pupils who succeeded in committing to memory the whole of the Koran were regarded as fiki (learned in Mahommedan law), and as such escaped liability to military conscription.

The personnel consists of a cadre, reserve and about 17,000 conscripts.

A conscription law of 1894 provides for a compulsory military service between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years, with two years' actual service in the regulars for those between twentyone and twenty-five, but the law is practically a dead letter.

So early as 1834 it seemed as though the struggle would be renewed; for Mehemet Ali had extended to his new pashaliks his system of monopolies and conscription, and the Syrians, finding that they had exchanged Turkish whips for Egyptian scorpions, rose in a passion of revolt.

Cockayne in his Narratiunculae Anglice conscriptae (1861).

conscript men of twenty for military service.

The Russian army is full of underfed teenage conscripts.

Since the time (1868-1872) of Midhat Pasha, who did much to bring the independent Arab tribes under control, the Turkish government has been, however, gradually strengthening its grip on the country and extending the area of conscription and taxation.

conscript soldiers were killed in the Gulf War of 1991.

Formerly Kerbela was a self-governing hierarchy and constituted an inviolable sanctuary for criminals; but in 1843 the Turkish government undertook to deprive the city of some of these liberties and to enforce conscription.




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