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conscientiously Meaning in Tamil ( conscientiously வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



conscientiously தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அவரது தொழில் வாழ்க்கையின் தொடக்கத்திலிருந்தே, அப்பழுக்கற்ற உறுதியான நேர்மையுடன் காணப்படுகிறார்.

நாங்கள் எங்கள் தொழிலை சமரசமில்லாத நேர்மையுடன் நடத்துகிறோம்.

அன்பு, நேர்மையுடன் வளர,.

விழுமியங்களை நேர்மையுடன் பயன்படுத்துவதே அவற்றின் தொடர்ச்சியை உறுதிப்படுத்துகின்றது.

பொதுநல சேவையில் நேர்மையுடன் பணியாற்றி மக்களின் மதிப்புக்குரியவராக மாறினார்.

நேர்மையுடன் மார்க்கத்தை விளம்பக்கேண்மா".

'நேர்மையுடன் நீதி வழங்குங்கள்;.

எமினெமின் மருந்துக்கு அடிமையான பழக்கத்தை நேர்மையுடன் காட்டியிருப்பதை தி டெய்லி டெலகிராஃப் பாராட்டியது.

conscientiously's Usage Examples:

When it is conscientiously obtained, it is arrived at by handi capping, more or less heavily, intrinsic probability as compared with documental probability, or by raising the minimum of probability which shall qualify a reading for admission into the text until it is in agreement with the notions of the editor.

It is hardly possible to name any book that has been more conscientiously executed than this.

Orthodox Jews refused to teach those who were not of their faith, and on the other hand many churchmen conscientiously believed in the duty of entirely suppressing Jewish learning.

Whatever other elements may mingle with and dignify war, this at least is never absent; and however reluctantly men may enter into war, however conscientiously they may endeavour to avoid it, they must know that when the scene of carnage has once opened, these things must be not only accepted and condoned, but stimulated, encouraged and applauded.

Yet he attended to his duties conscientiously, and ultimately broke his health in their discharge.

But neither this fact nor the gradual loss of his popularity restrained Szechenyi, both in the Diet and at county meetings, from fulminating conscientiously against the extreme demands of Kossuth.

It obtained great popularity, and was conscientiously exploited by various writers until the 11th century, being translated even into the Slavonic languages.

You understand that my sole desire is conscientiously to carry out his wishes; that is my only reason for being here.

Meanwhile Comte did his official work conscientiously, sorely as he grudged the time which it took from the execution of the great object of his thoughts.

He discharged his duties with so much spirit and so conscientiously that he ultimately gained the esteem of Frederick William, who no longer feared that he would leave the crown to one unworthy of wearing it.

Like his father he was deeply grieved by the liberal theology and Church polity of the new Brattle Street Congregation, and conscientiously opposed its pastor Benjamin Colman, who had been irregularly ordained in England and by a Presbyterian body; but with his father he took part in 1700 in services in Colman's church.

He had underestimated the force of public opinion, but he was conscientiously convinced that a Conservative ministry was necessary to Denmark at this crisis.


scrupulously, religiously,



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