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consanguineous Meaning in Tamil ( consanguineous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

குருதிக் கலப்புடைய

consanguineous's Usage Examples:

In historical times we find the major portion of Iran occupied by peoples of Indo-European origin, terming themselves Aryans (Arya; Zend, Airya) and their language Aryanso in the inscriptions of Dariusthe same name, which is used by the consanguineous tribes of India who were their nearest relations.

consanguineous marriage.

consanguineous families, cousins ).

consanguineous mating between close kin.

consanguineous parents.

consanguineous couples or their families ask for pre-marital advice to make an informed decision about their offspring risks.


cognate, consanguineal, related, kin, blood-related, consanguine, akin,


uncorrelated, lineal, collateral, dissimilar, unrelated,

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