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commendations Meaning in Tamil ( commendations வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



commendations தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


commendations's Usage Examples:

At the head of the establishment Johnson had placed an old lady named Williams, whose chief recommendations were her blindness and her poverty.

Schools that accept at-risk children and adolescents require psychological and educational testing, as well as references or recommendations from a professional (usually a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist).

His recommendations were adopted by the House of Commons, but his unpopularity in South Africa was great, and in 1830 he was convicted of libelling a Cape official.

The national school laws now in force had their origin in the recommendations made by a national congress of public education convened on the 1st of December 1889, and again on theist of December 1890.

In 1815 he commanded the Dutch and Belgian contingents, and won high commendations for his courage and conduct at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, at the latter of which he was wounded.

Still more curious, and almost peculiar to Pompeii, are the numerous writings painted upon the walls, which have generally a semipublic character, such as recommendations of candidates for municipal offices, advertisements, 'c.

debrief a report is compiled and once the contents have been agreed, recommendations are made to Chief Officers.

The recommendations of the Commission included the creation of a single controlling authority to take over the powers of the Thames Conservancy Watermen's Company, and Trinity House and the docks of the companies already detailed.

With some of the recommendations the Natal commissioners disagreed; in 1905, however, an act was passed by the Natal legislature imposing a poll-tax of £i on all males over 18 in the colony, except indentured Indians and natives paying hut-tax (which was 14s.

For a good place to start, try the restaurant's recommendations, which include tandoori lamb and shrimp; tandoori boneless chicken and shrimp; and curry with hard-boiled eggs.

polypeptide conformation [6] or the recommendations on stereochemistry [7] .


honour, honor, accolade, award, laurels, citation,


cash, debit, mistrust, distrust, disapprove,

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