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commendation Meaning in Tamil ( commendation வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



commendation தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


commendation's Usage Examples:

In the United States, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 1992 issued an official recommendation that infants be put to bed on their backs (supine position) or on their sides (lateral position).

However I have just had the magneto rebuilt by somebody who comes on a recommendation so I am more hopeful of prolonged sparks.

At the head of the establishment Johnson had placed an old lady named Williams, whose chief recommendations were her blindness and her poverty.

Schools that accept at-risk children and adolescents require psychological and educational testing, as well as references or recommendations from a professional (usually a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist).

In accordance with the recommendation Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, both officers of the United States Army, with a considerable party left St Louis on the 14th of May 1804, ascended the Missouri to the headwaters, crossed the Rockies and, following the Columbia river, reached the ocean in November 1805.

He continued to work as a journeyman bookbinder till the 1st of March 1813, when he was appointed assistant in the laboratory of the Royal Institution of Great Britain on the recommendation of Davy, whom he accompanied on a tour through France, Italy and Switzerland from October 1813 to April 1815.

His recommendations were adopted by the House of Commons, but his unpopularity in South Africa was great, and in 1830 he was convicted of libelling a Cape official.

It is some letter of recommendation.

As the words of prophets and lawgivers had from the first carried their own authority with them under the Old Covenant, so from the first the words of Christ needed no commendation from without under the New.

The national school laws now in force had their origin in the recommendations made by a national congress of public education convened on the 1st of December 1889, and again on theist of December 1890.

The recommendation for Enleve hair removal depilatory cream was to apply the hair removal cream for a minimum of seven minutes, but not longer than ten minutes.


eclat, testimonial, approval, imprimatur, plaudits, endorsement, recognition, kudos, substance, praise, tacit consent, cheer, permission, plaudit, countenance, tribute, indorsement, subject matter, hand clapping, clapping, congratulations, approbation, warrant, content, message, encouragement, sanction, secret approval, credit, extolment, acclamation, applause, acclaim, connivance,


cash, debit, mistrust, distrust, disapprove,

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