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commendatory Meaning in Tamil ( commendatory வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


commendatory தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

தமிழர் பண்பாடு இவ்விரண்டிலும் மெச்சத்தக்கது.

1911 ல் ஜார்ஜ் வெஸ்டிங்ஹவுஸ் அவர்கட்கு ஐஇஇஇ இன் எடிசன் மெடல்' மாறுதிசை மின்னோட்டதில் அவருடைய மெச்சத்தக்க சாதனைகாக வழங்கபட்டது'.

மூளைச் செயல்பாடு மற்றும் நரம்புவழி செய்திபரவல்கள் சார்ந்து மெச்சத்தக்க கண்டுபிடிப்புகள் இருப்பினும், உள்ளம் மற்றும் மனித எண்ணம் ஆகியவற்றின் தன்மை இப்போதும் தெரியாததாகவே உள்ளன.

commendatory's Usage Examples:

commendatory verses to his play were written by London playwrights and actors.

Of the thirteen resolutions adopted by the conference, two have direct reference to this case; the rest have to do with the creation of new sees and missionary jurisdictions, commendatory letters, and a "voluntary spiritual tribunal" in cases of doctrine and the due subordination of synods.

commendatory abbots ended in 1653 when Innocent X made the abbey part of the endowment of S.

In other lands things did not on the whole go so well, and many causes at work during the later middle ages tended to bring about relaxation in the Benedictine houses; above all the vicious system of commendatory abbots, rife everywhere except in England.

An omophorion of the 11th or 12th century, with scenes from the Gospel in needlework, and a chalice of the 15th century with enamels, given by Cardinal Bessarion, the predecessor of Giuliano della Rovere as commendatory of the abbey, are among its treasures.

There is reason to believe that in England a relatively good level was maintained throughout, thanks in great measure to the fact that the kings resolutely refused to allow the introduction of commendation - Wolsey was the first and last commendatory abbot in England.

On the nth of June he was included by the House of Commons, in spite of a recommendatory letter from Monk, among the twenty persons excepted from the act of indemnity and subject to penalties not extending to life.

He was born in Paris of a noble and influential family of Normandy; hence, being destined to the ecclesiastical state, he was when ten years old commendatory abbot of La Trappe and two other abbeys, prior of two priories, and canon of Notre Dame, Paris.

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