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chromite Meaning in Tamil ( chromite வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



chromite தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இங்கு கச்சா எண்ணெய், இயற்கை எரிவாயு, தங்கம், வைரம், குரோமைற்று, கரி, சுண்ணாம்பு, கட்டட மூலப்பொருட்கள் போன்றவை கிடைக்கின்றன.

chromite's Usage Examples:

Thechromites maybe looked upon as salts of chromium sesquioxide with other basic oxides, the most important being chromite (q.

Chromium sesquioxide is a basic oxide, although like alumina it acts as an acid-forming oxide towards strong bases, forming salts called chromites.

Important formations of chromite are found at Hagdale and the Heog Hills; steatite occurs at Kleber Geo, and many interesting minerals have been recorded from these islands.

There is chromite in the black sands of the sea-coast and the banks of the larger rivers.

Like the Heroult furnace, the Kjellin furnace may be lined with either magnesite or chromite, and it may be tilted for the purpose of pouring off slag and metal.

The principal exports are rubber, sugar, ground-nuts and oil seeds, beeswax, chromite (from Rhodesia), and gold (from Manica).

The lining of the crucible may be of either magnesite (MgO) or chromite (FeO Cr203) The whole furnace, electrodes and all, rotates about the line KL for the purpose of pouring out the molten FIG.

chromite deposits of probable Precambrian age.

The other minerals found in the concentrates are pebbles and fragments of pyrope, zircon, cyanite, chrome-diopside, enstatite, a green pyroxene, mica, ilmenite, magnetite, chromite, hornblende, olivine, barytes, calcite and pyrites.

It is largely made as ferro-chrome, an alloy containing about 60-70% of chromium, by reducing chromite in the electric furnace or by aluminium.

chromite ores with variable sulfide ratios.


chromium, Cr, atomic number 24, mineral,



chromite's Meaning in Other Sites